We were at the Sustainable Development and Social Service Symposium with our EYGEV Karabük Branch.
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Our Foundation's Founding Board Member Assoc. Dr. Oğuzhan Zengin, the “24. On the second day of the symposium named “Social Work Symposium: Sustainable Development and Social Work”, Expert Psychologist/Lecturer from EYGEV Karabük Branch management. See. Abdulkadir Ilgaz, Lect. See. Ümit Topçuoğlu and Exp. Dietitian Hilal Doğan Güney, Founding Board Member of our foundation and Head of KBU Social Work Department, Mr. Assoc. Dr. With the contributions of Oğuzhan Zengin and Mustafa Acar, the paper "Examination of the Relationship between Self-Esteem and Social Support in Obese Individuals" was presented.


In the statement titled "The Relationship Between Diet, Physical Activity and Body Mass Index of Social Support in Healthcare Professionals", Specialist from EYGEV Karabük Branch management. Psychologist/Lecturer See. Abdulkadir Ilgaz, Exp. Dietitian Hilal Doğan Güney and Lect. See. Ümit Topçuoğlu made their presentations.


Finally; EYGEV Karabük Provincial President Mustafa Doğan and our volunteers, Gizem Nur Sağlık, Çekdar Tuğrul and Esma Cihangir, who contributed to our foundation, presented the statement "Assessment on the Improvement of Services Provided in Disabled Care Centers Based on a Schizophrenia Case" to the participants.


Founding Board Member of our Foundation, Head of KBU Social Services Department, Mr. Assoc. Dr. To Oguzhan Zengin

We thank you on behalf of the EYGEV family for their efforts and wish them continued success.