Visit from EYGEV to the General Directorate of Disabled and Elderly Services
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EYGEV visited Elmas Esra Ceceli, General Manager of Disabled and Elderly Services. Social rights of disabled and elderly individuals were present at the meeting where Alpay Şirin, Head of Department for Participation in Social and Economic Life, Ertan Erdoğan, Head of Disabled Care Services Department, Gamze Altun, Head of Elderly Care Services Department, and Ayşe Yıldırım, Head of Quality Monitoring and Evaluation Department, attended the meeting. and their active participation in life was consulted. At the meeting where care services, home care and day care services in our country, as well as the impact of artificial intelligence and technological developments on social work were discussed; Mr. Our General Manager Elmas Esra Ceceli emphasized the importance of cooperating with non-governmental organizations. We thank them for their hospitality and offer our respects.